

Karnataka Employers' Association

Since its inception, KEA is a registered Body under the Indian Trade Union Act. KEA has a unitary type of organisation with no special organisation on an industrial or geographical basis. Even though there are important clusters of members in Mysore, Belgaum, Dharwad – Hubli, and Mangalore, no attempt is made to create a local committee or office.

KEA has a Three Tier Organisation Structure - the General Body, Executive Committee, and the Secretariat. The Election of the Office Bearers and Executive Members will be held once in two years and the election coincides with the Annual General Body Meeting.


An annual subscription of Rs. 10,000/- for each member and an admission fee of Rs. 1000/- as a one-time payment. The Balance Sheet shows that after meeting all the expenses, some surplus is left. It is kept in Fixed Deposits for future utilization and especially for owning additional space.


KEA is called upon by the State Government to nominate one of its representatives on various Statutory Committees. KEA is represented on the Contract Labour Advisory Board and Minimum Wages Advisory Board.

The Central Government Ministry of Labour has nominated the President of the Association, Sri B.C. Prabhakar as Employer Member of the ESI Corporation constituted under Section 3 of the ESI Act. The names of Employer Members are sent to the Labour Ministry by the Council of Indian Employers.


KEA has embarked upon providing the following services to its members

1. Data Collection, compilation and information to members, Legal Updates, Seminars, Workshops, Interactive sessions, and Conferences.

2. Liaison with the Government.

3. Publications.

Key Areas

The Executive Committee may meet as often as necessary. At least three days' notice shall normally be given except in the case of special or urgent meetings. Though the Committee occupies a key position in the Organisation, it is the Executive Body which is responsible for all decisions and activities. In all these matters, the Committee is assisted by the Secretariat.

  • KEA owns a small office space in which the Secretariat is located, and its primary concern is to service the Committee, to keep records, accounts, etc. and to prepare elaborate notes on Labour problems on which the Committee must make important decisions.

  • Decisions of urgent nature are taken by the President and later ratified by the Committee. However, general issues are decided/recommended either by the Committee or at the General Body Meetings. Important issues on which the Organisation must take a stand are usually discussed by the Committee with the help of background data provided by the Secretariat to be adapted in respect of issues decided by the Committee. To facilitate this, sometimes, representatives who are not on the Committee are invited to participate in the Committee Meetings when the appropriate items are on the agenda. The Committee generally meets 6/8 times a year.

  • For the last three decades, a KEA representative is nominated as one of the delegates or advisors to the Indian Labour Conference's highest tripartite Body where the Labour Policy issues are discussed, and Policies laid down by the Government of India.

  • The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has recognized KEA as one of the most active Regional Employers’ Association in the country and takes its assistance when programmes by ILO are held in Bangalore.

  • KEA takes up causes related to Employee Relations before the appropriate fora. It actively solicits opinions from Members and guides representation before the authorities in the formulation of Labour policies and/or bringing any changes/amendments to the legislation.

  • KEA guides its members in the collective bargaining process. The officers of KEA appear on behalf of Members before the conciliatory & adjudicatory authorities.

  • A major source of information to its Members, KEA regularly informs them of the trends & changes in Labour & Economic Policies of Central & State Governments, issues in Industrial Relations, amendments to Labour Legislations, latest judicial judgments, prospects & perspectives on issues connected with Labour management and related matters through its periodical circulars.

  • KEA maintains the latest collection of Collective Agreements, Labour statistics, etc. for analysis and guidance to members.

  • KEA offers conceived, designed, and modulated training programs to its members in the areas of collective bargaining, productivity, Industrial Relations, Labour Legislations, disciplinary issues, and specific themes based on their needs.

  • KEA conducts Seminars and Conferences on topical themes & subjects that are useful to the Members in Labour Management.